Reflections from the vertical 💫

A little Catch up 

Oh! How I’ve missed this space. And how grateful ‘I’ is to be back here. I left off months ago at the vertical dimensions of existence. Today ‘I’ stands at a space on the vertical where ‘I’ can reflect, only to share. For ‘I am not’, but a word – HIS 👆🏻word – just an expression of ‘being’. 

Not that I didn’t explore with the word in this time, but not as an expression. Mostly just as a ‘word’ at this point. This space belongs to HIM (Bhagwan). Here I dance too 💃 not just sing 🎶. So even the late nights in the moonlight, seem beautiful here. What it’s ‘doing’ is meaningless to me, yet what it ‘does’ is meaningful. That meaning ain’t ‘I’, for ‘I am not’. That meaning is Love ❤️. ‘Coz love is god! 

Getting ready for the vertical 

I’m going to use my own journey as a reference, for this post. Although each individual has a unique journey, the core experience of a transition from the horizontal to the vertical, is the same. 

At the onset of my spiritual journey, almost 6 years ago now, the vertical dimension opened up for me (ref. Blog post titled ‘Here’s How?’). I could see it clearly but I couldn’t jump high enough to enter it. For the first 3 years, I only played with the light falling down on me from the mystical vertical dimension, that was now open to me but not reachable. It required a very big jump – a leap of faith into an unknown portal, which was only visible to me. A door 🚪 that those closest to me, at the time, couldn’t even see. 

I recognized early, that I’d first have to ‘get ready’ to take this jump, so I started to do the work. I worked with many common tools, available in the markets of the horizontal dimension (3D world); simultaneously embracing my biggest fear of aloneness. The most painful part of the journey, YES, BUT … a much needed one. 3 and half years later, I reached the first stage of surrender to divine will. Ready to give up my fight with myself, accepting that ‘I’ cannot ‘do’ anything else to prepare for the leap. 

With that surrender, came the magic 🪄, knocking on the very door that I’d tried to reach all this while. I heard HIM ask, ‘May I come in?’ And before I could reply, the door finally opened & I found myself at the temple of love – The Tapoban International Commune in Nepal. A man dressed in a robe & mala, who I had only seen in my dreams, was sitting in front of me in form, totally aware that HIS mystical master had brought me here too, just for a long chat 😊. 

Entering the vertical

Finally the silence had broken. The vertical was speaking to me as Bhagwan, and I started listening as Ma Prem Jaya (victorious love ❤️), an undefined ‘being’ – a sanyasin. 

The leap of faith into the vertical dimension for me was sanyas. But can one enter the vertical without sanyas – yes, of course. Why not? But I don’t know that way. If not sanyas, at least a guide from the vertical really helps. There is so much word about spirituality in the horizontal dimensions, some truly about the spirit, and so much more about the ‘I’dentity’ of spirituality. A guide helps, as a constant reminder, to not get lost in the ‘I’dentity’ & to keep rising beyond the attachments of the horizontal dimensions. 

Does the horizontal disappear? 

No. It doesn’t. At least not on the path of neo-sanyas. The horizontal dimension is the dimension of ‘karma’ – it continues as is. I found only my own relationship to karma changing. Before the door of the vertical opened for me, I was still in a struggle between the karmic & the spiritual worlds. They seemed conflicting. Only when I could see the horizontal dimension from a higher floor in the building of consciousness, did I see that there is no conflict, except within my own self. The split in duality within myself was manifesting as a split in the karmic reality. 

In the early days of sanyas, I understood the true meaning of Krishna’s statement from the ‘Gita’ – ‘He alone wins, who doesn’t want to win’. And a literal win of a 4 year long legal battle, ‘happened’ as a validation to my understanding. The first stage of surrender had already happened before sanyas, which essentially meant that, I had already understood that whatever happens, ‘I am not’. Existence is working through me. All ‘doing’ is existence’s ‘doing’. Therefore all ‘karma’ is existence’s karma. 

I found, that releasing myself from attachments to outcomes of my ‘doings’ in the horizontal dimension; is the key to the door of the vertical. Now for me this happened before the voice of the master started speaking to me. He only validated my understanding. But for some this shift in understanding may need a guide. It depends on many factors, including the ‘work’ done on the self, in previous lifetimes too. 

The horizontal remains, all ‘doing’ remains; only the ‘doer’ disappears. Then the door to the vertical opens, with or without a guide or sanyas. 

Two years in this vertical dimension of existence, I’d like to address a couple questions that I’ve been repeatedly asked. 

What’s the hurry? 

Actually there is no hurry at all to enter the vertical dimension. The cycle of life & death is continuous & eternal ⭕️. The journey of life itself is a spiritual one & each lifetime, we evolve, slowly but surely. There is no hurry to enter the vertical dimension. One has all of eternity to enter it. 

However, the karmic wheel is a never ending one. Karma never wraps up. In order to wrap up something karmic (as I had to do), we build more karma. As long as ‘I’, the ‘doer’ is there, there is no way out of the karmic cycle. So it really isn’t a question of hurry. One cannot enter the vertical as a ‘doer’. Therefore, it turns into cycles of karma building up lifetimes after lifetimes, even carrying karma forth into future lifetimes; with no door to the vertical dimension in sight. 

So there is no hurry. The moment one understands that ‘I am not’ the ‘doer’; the door to the vertical dimension opens up & automatically takes one in. The horizontal remains the same but now one is not building any karma. All karma belongs to existence – to the vertical dimension itself. There is no hurry, only the experience of living the mystery of life as an awakened or enlightened consciousness is a whole other experience of true freedom. 

It’s the freedom to ‘be in the world, but not of it’. 

Does one need a master for the vertical? 

Essentially the answer is No. However, as Rumi says, ‘a 2 year journey takes 200 years without a guide’. That’s all. And there is a small difference in the nature of enlightenment with & without a master. The difference between an ‘Arhat’ & a ‘Bodhisattva’. 

I’d like to share the story of J.Krishnamurthy to explain this better but first the difference between an ‘Arhat’ & a ‘Bodhisattva’. One who is enlightened ‘Arhat’ has contributed all he can to the evolution of mankind by being enlightened. He has already crossed over to the other shore. He has no responsibilities left on this shore. The self is realized. 

A Bodhisattva is of enlightened consciousness but not enlightened. He sees the other shore and he need only take one more step to the other shore. However, he still has a responsibility left on this shore. To connect through love, to his consciousness as many as he can. So that when he takes that final step to the other shore, a collective of consciousness within mankind evolves together. A Bodhisattva is responsible for collective consciousness evolution, via self realization. 

So which one am ‘I’ & which one are ‘you’? That existence alone knows. Yet another mystery of life to be lived, not solved.   

J. Krishnamurthy 

J. Krishnamurthy is a consciousness that I much admire. An enlightened ‘Arhat’, he has contributed much to those who can understand him. He don’t speak to the ordinary mind. And there is not an iota of ‘ego’ in that. It is the truth of His ‘being’. 

J.Krishnamurthy’s birth was a planned project of the theosophical society, at the time, included the likes of Madam Annie Besant. The 24th Buddha had professed before leaving his body that ‘2500 years later, when religion is redundant, & the relationship between man & god must change, I will return as Maitreya Buddha, as the teacher of the New World.’ The New World, or New Earth, which began at the onset of the recent pandemic. 

J. Krishnamurthy is a soul swap project of the theosophical society. The right parents were picked to call in a highly evolved consciousness into incarnation. Krishnamurthy was then taken away by the theosophical society to be prepared for the soul swap. Annie Besant & others of the theosophical society are the teachers of Krishnamurthy. His gurus. 

Man has always tried to control nature. It cannot be done. At the age of 16, being a highly evolved consciousness, Krishnamurthy revolted against the soul swap, declaring freedom for his realized self. Nothing wrong with that at all but … The 100 year project was a fail. Later, Maitreya Buddha incarnated into a modest Jain home in Jabalpur, as Rajneesh Chandra Mohan, aka Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh 😊. 

J. Krishnamurthy’s philosophy 

J. Krishnamurthy, as enlightened ‘Arhat’ is self realized and has no responsibility towards collective consciousness evolution. Yet, he speaks. He speaks from compassion – the highest expression of love. Krishnamurthy is a practical man, yet he speaks of love. ‘Coz love is the nature of the vertical dimension. He is of the vertical dimension too but he is not a guide. If you notice, Krishnamurthy speaks of the experience of enlightenment but not of the ‘how’ to get there. He has no responsibility to as He is not a teacher. He is a philosopher, speaker & author. 

Krishnamurthy states that there is no need of a guru for self realization. Yet, the presence of teachers on his own journey cannot be denied. The importance of a teacher is reflected in his first book, ‘At the feet of the master’; which he wrote at the age of 14. This was before his revolt at the age of 16 and so he denies that it reflects his own philosophy. 

What exactly is a master? 

A master is a vibrational frequency of the vertical dimension, that matches the vibrational frequency of the master within self (the higher self). During Sanyas initiation or ‘Shakti path’, the master (or his medium), awakens the frequency of the master within self; via transmission of vertical dimension energy into the third eye chakra. Essentially, the master creates a space within the Sanyasin’s energy field, through which the energy of the master from the vertical dimension can work easily on the sanyasin, or disciple. 

The consciousness of a master also acts as a reminder of a Bodhisattva, as he takes the responsibility of all his disciples. It takes lifetimes of hard work before the master begins to speak & guide. And then it takes lifetimes to enlightenment. Bhagwan guarantees enlightenment in one lifetime for the dedicated Sanyasins & two at the most for the lazy or slow ones 😂. 

A master can guide & teach & walk along all the way, but even the master cannot enter the door of the final temple with the disciple. That door admits only one ☝🏻. Rama Krishna stood at the door of the temple to his enlightenment for months at a stretch, only because he was unable to leave his master, Goddess Kali, behind. He ultimately had to take his sword 🗡️ and split her in half (of course in consciousness) before he could enter the door. 

That is why Bhagwan says, ‘I’m here to love you. I bring only love. but when you are love, don’t cling to my love, for that will become your barrier.’ A master is the love of the vertical dimension. 

The love of the vertical 

The vertical dimension is made up of only that which all of existence is made of – the frequency of unconditional love. The door to the vertical dimension maybe another ‘being’, a teacher, god himself or love itself. No matter what form the vertical shows up in, if you can see it (the vertical), love must’ve happened. For it is only love that can call in the vertical! 😊